New Flavours -

New Flavours

20 May, 13:45 - 15:30
An encounter of cultures in the world of pasta, organic and natural flavours: sustainable taste that conceals a memory
  • Festival
  • 20 maggio
  • Convegno Sponsor
The conference organised by New Flavours.
The programme:
Virginia Tonanni (New Flavours), "Aromas in movement: understanding US and European labels. Different cultures and flavour trends. The new frontiers for successful pasta"
Veronica Pero (New Flavours), "Communicating business sustainability ‘without lies’, but by doing. Choices and consequences of greenwashing and greenblushing"
Gianni Sagratini (University of Camerino), Samanta Corsetti (University of Camerino), "Study and enhancement of bioactive compounds in natural aromas"
Salvatore Pizzo (DNV Assurance Italy), "The new frontiers of sustainability in food processing"
Federica Di Candia (Itineri), "Legù’s experience puts peasant food back on the table"
Ciro Borrelli (4BMC), "The QR code: pasta and aromas, much more than a simple link".
Moderator: Letizia Bellucci (New Flavours)