• Festival
  • Convegno accademico
  • 21 maggio

Dry, traditional, gluten-free and wholemeal pasta: ingredients, quality and process optimisation

  • May, 21 | 15:00 - 17:30

The programme: Alessandra Marti (University of Milan), "The quality of wholemeal pasta: from the raw material to the production process"; Pasquale Trematerra (University of Molise), "Insect pests in pasta and some considerations on the packaging"; Emanuele Marconi (Bio-Medical Campus of the University of Rome, CREA – Food and Nutrition Research Centre, Rome), "Optimisation of pasta drying diagrams to limit the Maillard Reaction and lipid oxidation"; Lorenzo Estivi (University of Milan), "Bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds in gluten-free pasta enriched with industrial by-products"; Riccardo Guidetti (University of Milan), "Sustainability in catering: the case of pasta cooking equipment"; Laura Gazza (CREA – Agri-Food Engineering and Transformation Research Centre, Rome), "Parboiled Wholemeal Rice Pasta: innovative transformation processes for varieties with different amylose content"; Cinzia Montemurro (University of Bari), "Varietal characterisation of pasta using DNA markers". Moderator: Emanuele Marconi (Bio-Medical Campus of the University of Rome, CREA – Food and Nutrition Research Centre, Rome).