• Festival
  • Convegno Sponsor
  • 21 maggio

Vegetable proteins: sustainable approaches and emerging trends

  • May, 21 | 09:45 - 11:30

Vegetable proteins are emerging as sustainable alternatives to animal protein sources, responding to growing concerns about environmental sustainability and consumer health. Current trends in the sector reflect the adoption of innovative approaches to incorporate these proteins in the diet, such as the use of proteins extracted from legumes. Solutions include scientific research to improve the quality and variety of plant-based products, along with policies to support sustainable agricultural production and the promotion of informed dietary choices.
 The conference is organised by MartinoRossi. Speakers: Matteo Angri (MartinoRossi), Francesco Barba (Barilla G. e R. F.lli), Alberto Cartasegna (Miscusi), Monica Maj (Università Cattolica di Piacenza), Pier Luigi Rossi (Università degli studi di Bologna)